CZ EuroTour



J E W I S H  R E L I G I O N  H I S T O R Y  -  C Z E C H  R E P U B L I C 




Czech Jewish heritage


Czech Jewish religion history travel - from Prague : by Car / by Coach / by Train / wihout or with guide
Czech Jewish religion historyKm/miles distance from Prague Trip duration (hours) Quantity of persons Service at the price *
Boskovice & Mikulov 300 / 186 2 days 2 - 50

2 hours city center sightseeing with guide, dinner, accommodation

Holešov & Boskovice 290 / 180 2 days 2 - 50

2 hours city center sightseeing with guide, dinner, accommodation

Kolín 65 / 40 6 2 - 50

1 hour sightseeing with guide, lunch 

Třebíč 175 / 109 10 2 - 50

1 hour city center sightseeing with guide, lunch

* Additional trip service on request


             PRICE REQUEST